Friday, May 22, 2009

Karaoke Worship

I have noticed that worship has become Karaoke. We have someones on stage to read the words while we can join in or listen to them sing the song. In fact, the audience does not really read the words to understand what they are singing. Do we really believe the words that we sing or are they just words with a beat and rhythm? Case in point.

Sunday, May 24, 2009 , we at our church on Memorial Day sang the song "The Battle Hymn Of The Republic" as part of the worship service. Our church is a Southern Baptist Church in the Deep South and we sing the battle song of the Northern army against the evil brothers of the Confederate South. And we are proud of singing this song written by Stowe for the Yankees of the North. Top that with the fact we (well not all of us) stood to our feet in honor of that song.
Do they not know what they are singing? Has it become Karaoke? What reaction do you think we would have gotten had I played DIXIE?


  1. Interesting subject...

    Why do you think this is? what has the church been teaching the members over the past few decades to bring them to this point?

  2. They ( church Attenders ) come to be entertained just like in a night club. They are not concerned about worship. How can they when one, a true Christian, can only worship in Spirit and Truth when they do not possess the Spirit or seek Truth. This attitude will also go to the heart of the purpose of Church according to Eph 4. We as a Church should teach the Christians to be salt and light and that will cause the world to want to come see what will preserve and quinch their thirst.

    This is a short answer,but I will go into greater detail in another Blog topic.
