Saturday, August 22, 2015


Conviction, commitment, call to action, Courage

Many of us develop a conviction for a particular subject or idea; be it religious or political or social. We will deepen it and move to a commitment towards that conviction. In many cases there will be a call to action.  Too many times this is where we stall.  We know all about the subject, feel deeply towards it, and even know what to do about it, but this is where it stops.
Oh, that we had courage to take that final step.

I wish many times that I possessed courage to act on my moral convictions.

Monday, January 26, 2015

"Church" for the Un-Churched, Are we not just speaking in tongues?

“The church is one of the few organizations in the world
that does not exist for the benefit of its members.”
                                                             -Ed Stetzer & David Putman
Can someone explain to me how you can have an assembly of redeemed people (true Christian) for un-redeemed?  How will these un-redeemed persons even understand what is being said or conveyed in a true church?  It would seem to them as if the redeemed are truly speaking in tongues.  It would be a foreign language to them.

If the mission of the churches is to exist for the un-churched then where is the church for the churched?  These who advocate for a church for the un-churched would say well you have yours we have ours.  True, but don't those very advocates believe that they have found the right formula?  That would make the others working from the wrong formula.

All one needs to do is read Ephesians 4 to get the answer as to why an assembly of believers exist.