Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Contemporary -- Just another name for Rebellion

Think back to the 1960's and 1970's and forward. Music, Hair style, Clothing, Attitude. I lived it. It all started as Rebellion to the Traditional establishment.

Monday, March 28, 2011

"The American Dream" Mis-Defined

As I read a popular writer/pastor this week,  I noticed he finally (after 46 pages) defined the "American Dream " he is so opposed and called Unbiblilcal.  I did an informal questioning of a cross section of the people I work with or socially accociate with of  how they would define "The American Dream".  Not one of them gave me the definition defined in the book.  Martin Luther King in his July 4,1965 speech also did not define it the way this pastor defined it.

I think before one uses "The American Dream" term in the title of the book, one should have the proper definition before he accuses people for being wrong and un-biblical.  Many people that I asked about the book were quite offended by that implication.

Maybe the definition is more generational defined than applying to all people.  If his definition applies to you, then read on.  It is hard to move past false accusations to trust anything else in the writing.