Friday, March 27, 2009

The Perils Fast Food Christianity

When I was growing up, we would eat beans, corn, potatoes, sprouts, etc... You know all that stuff that is good for you. Well------now we have a new generation that do not want to eat the healthy foods and want to eat what is fun and exciting . That old stuff is boring and taste funny.

You know as a parent, that the old stuff is best in the long run. You still will allow some fast food every now and then; you just do not take a steady diet of it and remain in great health.

We are in this current culture spiritually eating only fast food. We feel it is irrelevant to eat the meat and taters.

Let us look at this in our Christian life. We have an older, wiser, generation that knew the value of the basic understanding of scripture. The new younger, cultural generation feast on the new, improved quick satisfying stuff. They do not know that a steady diet of these things will harm their spiritual health.

What are these fast foods?


Cultural relevance


1 comment:

  1. Good post but I would encourage you to not look at the younger generation as so far out of the loop they have missed the mark completely.

    There are many older, supposed to be wiser, men and women who fill the pews but do not invest in the lives of the upcoming generation.

    I wish you were a member at the church I am blessed to undershepherd, you could be a benefit to many of our young adults who need wisdom of the ages.
