Friday, May 22, 2009

Karaoke Worship

I have noticed that worship has become Karaoke. We have someones on stage to read the words while we can join in or listen to them sing the song. In fact, the audience does not really read the words to understand what they are singing. Do we really believe the words that we sing or are they just words with a beat and rhythm? Case in point.

Sunday, May 24, 2009 , we at our church on Memorial Day sang the song "The Battle Hymn Of The Republic" as part of the worship service. Our church is a Southern Baptist Church in the Deep South and we sing the battle song of the Northern army against the evil brothers of the Confederate South. And we are proud of singing this song written by Stowe for the Yankees of the North. Top that with the fact we (well not all of us) stood to our feet in honor of that song.
Do they not know what they are singing? Has it become Karaoke? What reaction do you think we would have gotten had I played DIXIE?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

We have a problem church!
The leaders of our churches think of themselves as shepherds. What is Wrong with this statement? Does not the scripture in Eph. 4: 11 state that “ he gave some pastors and teachers” translated shepherd from the Greek. This is all good until one tries to find the same translation to pastor somewhere else. But, So what? The mindset of these Pastor / Shepherds is that they are in charge of some sheep. But, So what? Well, what if the word translated in Eph 4: 11 is a method of ministry? Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, pastors, and teachers…. For the ministering of the saints for the body of Christ. Could not the argument be made that we then still have apostles, prophets, evangelist , pastors, and teachers? If we have one then we have all. Another place we see the use of Pastors as shepherds of their flock is in 1 peter 5, where Peter says to feed the flock among you. This sounds like a great statement for the shepherd to take care of the flock. Here is the problem----

1. Pastors are not Shepherds. There is only one TRUE shepherd. Why do these pastors think they are a replacement for Him?

2. How can a Shepherd be an example to the sheep if he thinks of himself not as
A sheep? If he says that he is a sheep, then he is no shepherd
Here are some questions. What do sheep eat? What do shepherds eat? What do Wolves eat? You see, genetically sheep are different from shepherds.

So where does that leave us?

When pastors realize that they are only leadersheep then hunility will take over and the church can once again be a body of Christ made up of many members not an organization made up of titles and departments.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Perils Fast Food Christianity

When I was growing up, we would eat beans, corn, potatoes, sprouts, etc... You know all that stuff that is good for you. Well------now we have a new generation that do not want to eat the healthy foods and want to eat what is fun and exciting . That old stuff is boring and taste funny.

You know as a parent, that the old stuff is best in the long run. You still will allow some fast food every now and then; you just do not take a steady diet of it and remain in great health.

We are in this current culture spiritually eating only fast food. We feel it is irrelevant to eat the meat and taters.

Let us look at this in our Christian life. We have an older, wiser, generation that knew the value of the basic understanding of scripture. The new younger, cultural generation feast on the new, improved quick satisfying stuff. They do not know that a steady diet of these things will harm their spiritual health.

What are these fast foods?


Cultural relevance
