There is a great deal of talk these days about having a vision in the church. Those that talk are using proverbs 29:18
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (Proverbs 29:18 KJV)
I do understand that if God's word is not revealed then the people will perish.
The problem is that this is not the definition they are using for "vision".
When they use the word, they use it:
the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be: prophetic vision; the vision of an entrepreneur.
an experience in which a personage, thing, or event appears vividly or credibly to the mind, although not actually present, often under the influence of a divine or other agency: a heavenly messenger appearing in a vision. Compare hallucination ( def 1 ) .
something seen or otherwise perceived during such an experience: The vision revealed its message.
a vivid, imaginative conception or anticipation: visions of wealth and glory.
This is quite different from revealing GOD's word. This is more forward looking.
What you have here is NOT vision at all.
When they use the word they are incorporating part of the dictionary definition along With spirituality mixed in to make it sound good and acceptable.
Many start out with a proper definition of vision and move to a more progressive definition and from there to something all together different. I'll call that "Venture"
an undertaking involving uncertainty as to the outcome, especially a risky or dangerous one: a mountain-climbing venture.
a business enterprise or speculation in which something is risked in the hope of profit; a commercial or other speculation.
the money, ship, cargo, merchandise, or the like, on which risk is taken in a business enterprise or speculation.
You see, for them it is an end game. They want to move the church to marketing.
Marketing is for profit.
For them vision is more speculation with an end result of profit.
Church has become a business, enterprise.
They do not really care about revealed truth; they need to run this business, and business takes monies.
When your leader starts quoting "vision", make sure of the definition he uses. It could mean something totally different to him than to you.