In a day and age in the church where the goal is to attract the un-churched ( un-saved), I wonder how a pastor can be a pastor and not and evangelist. You see, the more un-saved you attract to your church the more preaching must be on salvation. The result is that those that are saved and make up the true body of Christ are left with very little teaching or pastoring at a level to "feed the flock amongst you". If your Pastor is teaching Holiness then the Un-saved get the idea that salvation is by works; not understanding that good works are the expectation of the regenerated. If your pastor must always preach to the un-saved because that is his mission, to get lost people there to expose them to the gospel, then the flock is starving for something more than milk.
The best evangelistic tool is for saved people to live out the doctrine taught in the church out in the world.
We Are Starving